MEM Summer Summit-Lugano

What People Have to Share

Certificate Of Recognition

ICEO Fundraising Gala Dinner

The expectations are very high and we are very proud when we witness the huge presence and impact of the political and diplomatic figures, celebrities, VIPs, national and international media cooperating and supporting ICEO-INGO initiatives.

The most important thing in the “ICEO Awards” is not winning but taking part and be recognized.

ICEO-NGO® is a pioneering organization dedicated to preparing the new generation to embrace the future global reality. Our Ambassadors and members are expert professionals in their field of discipline who have been drawn from both the national and international arena.

The ICEO Award winners will represent their country in the (MEM) Middle East Mediterranean summer summit in Lugano-Switzerland. The summit is offering a ten-day program and platform for young leaders and change-makers to layout a vision for their common future.

Recycling Color Codes

ICEO-INGO® is one of the most sought after partners, contributors and supporters event planning organizations in the industry. Our relationships and connections with the partners, contributors and supporters allow us to put on unique and engaging progects and events in venues and retreats all around the world. We place happiness, hope, integrity and ethics at the core of everything we do.

ICEO-NGO® created this "Wash Your Hands" challenge to be spread worldwide for protection awareness against COVID-19.

ICEO-NGO® will distribute to most of the Lebanese areas, hand-jell that protects from harmful germs and kills 99.9% of bacteria.

The more we donate the more hand-jell we can provide to protect and save lives.

Wash Your Hands Challenge

ICEO NGO® initiative is to validate awareness of the worldwide recycling color codes to the educational sectors and communities. Our energetic volunteers started distributing for free to most of the Lebanese areas, rubbish colored bags with instruction labels codes similar to traffic lights codes.

ICEO-NGO® academic volunteers will be visiting communities and schools to demonstrate to kids in a friendly and joyful means how recycling should take place starting from their homes.